Some Really Useful Gutenberg Block Plugins That You Should Try

Check out these Gutenberg Block plugins that add new block functionality to WordPress.

Accordion Blocks

Adds the much-needed accordion block to Gutenberg. You need to style it yourself using your own style sheet, but it’s lightweight and just works.

Block Visibility

Schedule when any Gutenberg block is displayed and to whom, or hide it altogether. Haven’t tried this myself but it has stellar reviews and looks great.

Conditional Blocks

Great for hiding blocks based on device, login status, or for everyone. Pro version has a lot more options for showing and hiding blocks.

Counter Block

Create a counter that counts up rapidly to showcase stats. Great plugin that does one thing only rather than having to load a whole library to get a counter.


Really powerful but easy-to-use Gutenberg slider block! Put any Gutenberg block you want into each slider pane.

Lazy Blocks ★

This plugin allows you to easily create Gutenberg blocks with just a little bit of template coding to render the output. It even supports repeaters and WYSIWYG editors! Fantastic!

Reusable Blocks Admin Menu Option ★

This is another admin feature that really should be an option in WP core. This plugin adds a “Reusable Blocks” admin menu item that shows all of your Gutenberg reusable blocks.


This plugin adds a whole bunch of useful blocks. The premium version includes dynamic content, query loops, and ACF integration. Unlimted LTD is $499.

Ultimate Blocks

Gives you an array of various Gutenberg blocks. I use it for the Expand box, which gives you a “read more” functionality right on your page.


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