How to Hide Taxonomy Meta Boxes from the WordPress Editor Sidebar

Here’s the situation: You’ve created some custom Taxonomies and custom Post Types using the Custom Post Type UI Plugin (or using PHP code).

You’re using Advanced Custom Fields (or another plugin) to manage your Taxonomy settings, so you do NOT want those meta boxes to appear in the sidebar of the WordPress editor.

Remove WordPress meta fields from the editor
Remove WordPress meta fields from the editor

I found so many solutions online that didn’t work for me because I was using the Gutenberg editor.

I’ll explain how to hide those fields in the Gutenberg editor in this article.

Classic Editor

First, here’s the solution if you’re using the Classic Editor.

If you created your taxonomy using PHP code, set ‘meta_box_cb’ to false in your custom taxonomy settings code.

If you’re using the CPU UI plugin, make sure you’re using at least version 1.6.0, which supports that setting. One of the last few settings on the Edit Taxonomy page is a field called ‘Metabox callback’. Type in ‘false’ for that field. With that, I was able to hide taxonomy boxes in the sidebar when using the Classic editor.

Gutenberg Editor

Doing the steps above alone won’t hide the taxonomy boxes in Gutenberg.

WordPress has a built-in function that seems like it should do what we want, called remove_meta_box. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in the WP Gutenberg editor either.

Further down in the WP repo for remove_meta_box, some user-contributed code using remove_post_type_support that is supposed to work in Gutenberg, but I couldn’t get that to work either.

Setting meta_box_cb to False

If you created your taxonomy using PHP code, set ‘meta_box_cb’ to false in your custom taxonomy settings code.

If you’re using the CPU UI plugin, make sure you’re using at least version 1.6.0, which supports that setting. The very last setting on the Edit Taxonomy page is a field called ‘Metabox callback’. Set that to ‘false’.

If you’re using some other plugin, here’s a way to set that field using filters.

The first filter sets meta_box_cb to false for all taxonomies created by CPT UI:

function tna_edit_taxonomy_args( $args, $tax_slug, $cptui_tax_args ) {
	// Set to false for all taxonomies created with CPTUI.
	$args['meta_box_cb'] = false;
	return $args;
add_filter( 'cptui_pre_register_taxonomy', 'tna_edit_taxonomy_args', 10, 3 );

Or, if you only want to hide certain taxonomies, use this:

function tna_edit_taxonomy_args( $args, $tax_slug, $cptui_tax_args ) {
	// Alternatively, you can check for specific taxonomies.
	if ( 'genre' === $tax_slug ) {
		$args['meta_box_cb'] = false;
	return $args;
add_filter( 'cptui_pre_register_taxonomy', 'tna_edit_taxonomy_args', 10, 3 );

For more details, check out the original support thread where this code came from.

Hiding the Meta Box

As I mentioned before, the meta_box_cb to false is ignored by Gutenberg. However, we can add some code to use it to hide our meta boxes:

add_filter( 'rest_prepare_taxonomy', function( $response, $taxonomy, $request ){
	$context = ! empty( $request['context'] ) ? $request['context'] : 'view';
	// Context is edit in the editor
	if( $context === 'edit' && $taxonomy->meta_box_cb === false ){
		$data_response = $response->get_data();
		$data_response['visibility']['show_ui'] = false;
		$response->set_data( $data_response );
	return $response;
}, 10, 3 );

For more details, check out the original post for this. Enter this code in functions.php of your child theme.


So, this should hide any custom taxonomies from your Classic or Gutenberg editor sidebar. Let me know if it worked for you, or if you have questions! – Brian


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Casper Roux
Casper Roux
1 year ago

How can I hide as custom taxonomy meta box for all users except for Admins

Christine G
Christine G
1 year ago

I tried using the last method “Hiding the Meta Box” using the hook rest_prepare_taxonomy, it worked just fine, the metabox was hidden in Gutenberg on WordPress 6.1.1. Now, when I tried to comment out that piece of code in my functions file, I was expecting that the metabox will appear again, but it didn’t. Am I doing something wrong, or did I forget something? I’m very new to metaboxes so there might be something I missed. The goal was to display the taxonomy metabox again as I wanted to test another way to hide this.

Christine G
Christine G
1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Shim

Thank you!
I tried clearing browser cache before and it didn’t display. I tried clearing the server cache and it’s displaying properly now.
Thank you for your article, at least I found one way to change taxonomy metabox. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Paul C
Paul C
1 year ago

Hey thanks very much for this post. Works perfectly with Gutenberg on WordPress 6.1.1. It’d be good if the ‘meta_box_cb’ arg set to false when registering the taxonomy worked on a Gutenberg edit page too without this intervention. Bit bewildering at first when it doesn’t hide the metabox. But thanks to your post I added your filter and voila!. The meta_box_cb now works as intended.

2 years ago


Thanks for that, it’s work in WordPress 5.8 with gutenberg ;)

2 years ago


With the new WordPress 5.8 this doesn’t work, I have a lot of taxonomies and is very annoying seeing most used taxonomies. :(
